At the End of YOUR Rainbow

What treasure lies at the end of your rainbow?

What treasure lies at the end of your rainbow?

People seem to be fascinated by rainbows. It has become evident in all the Myths and Legends that have surrounded their timely appearances, and perhaps it is never more obvious than during the month of March when we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. One of the many legends that exist claim that leprechauns hide their pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, and if you can catch a leprechaun, he must lead you to his treasure.  Well, I don’t believe any of us will ever catch a leprechaun or lay claim to his pot of gold, but we all have treasures that we value.  So, if I could follow YOUR personal rainbow to its very end, what treasure would you have hidden there?

pot02-bWhat is it that you value most?pot02-b

36 thoughts on “At the End of YOUR Rainbow

  1. I’ve never been to Ireland, although my great-grandparents came from there. I’d love to visit there one day. That’s a beautiful photo of a rainbow. I’m not sure what I’d like to see at the end of the rainbow. Maybe some magic dust that would make people behave more compassionately towards other people and animals.

  2. I love this question because it makes me think about what I really value. Then I have to realize where my priorities are and if they are out of line. I would have to say I truly value my relationships the most. when all is said and done, how I valued other people is far more important that what I accomplished in any other areas. Thank you for making me reconsider how I will spend my time today.

  3. Hi dear students and your teacher,
    Thanks for visiting our blog and your comments.We would like to share blogs with you. I think we can learn much interesting from each other.
    Mrs Tarasevich and my students

  4. Thank you for visiting us and making the effort to translate us!
    If you could follow my personal rainbow to its very end, I think you would find “a bunch of” friends and my family, for true human relationships is what I treasure most.
    I have also added your blog to ours, so that, with time and faithful conversations, we hopefully shall join
    all together, at the end of the rainbow!
    s. Ines

  5. Hello Mrs C
    We really like your rainbow study. The other day we saw a beautiful rainbow over our Adelaide hills and started to wonder if your class could do a “rainbow count” over a period of, say, one month and record how many rainbows your students actually see AND photograph.
    What do you think?
    Mr Mac’s Superstars

    • We are finishing up an online project right now, but would love to count rainbows for 30 days. We will begin this project on April 1st and report to you if we catch a glimpse of any. April is our rainy season, so maybe we will be lucky.

  6. At the end of my rainbow you would find I lik my dog. This is important to me because he liks to pla weth me.

  7. At the end of my rainbow you would find mom and dad. This is important to me because my famteme likes to washe tv.

  8. I like my hockey stick alot but I have other things but if would name all the things it would be SSSSOOOO long even longer than the so. please reply and visit

    • Thank you Jacob for choosing to comment on our blog. You must be pretty good at hockey to choose it first in your list of things valued. I have never been to a hockey game. My grandsons play soccer and baseball. I think I would love hockey.

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