School Lunches

School Lunch

Well it is that time again and school has begun.  One of my favorite times during the school day is LUNCH TIME.  Sometimes I bring my lunch and at other times I eat in the school cafeteria.  Our cafeteria tries really hard to plan a well-balanced meal each day, and I do like some of those meals.

I would like to know what is your favorite meal served by your school cafeteria.  If you are a student at White Oak, please tell me which days are your favorite days to buy your lunch.  If you are NOT a White Oak student, please share with us some of the meals cooked by your cafeteria.

Click here to see our school lunch menu.

62 thoughts on “School Lunches

  1. G’day Mrs Cranford and students,
    Thanks for joining the student blogging challenge. I hope you enjoy the activities and make many friends when reading and commenting on blogs from students and classes around the world.

  2. My favorite day to eat lunch is Wednesday Thursday
    and Friday that is when they have pizza with
    dessert hamburgers sometimes with fries and
    Thursday they have chicken rings!


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