14 thoughts on “Our Blogging Rules

  1. Hi Guys,
    We are a junior class at a special school in Australia. We found your blog on Mary Ellen’s Room 102’s site. We would love to visit you regulalry as your blog grows. It is great to see that there are lots of other special schools and teachers blogging. Sue has lots of special education links on her teacher blog that you might like to raid!
    Hope to hear from you soon.

  2. I am always impressed when a class takes on a big project like blogging. Your rules are very good, and safety is always the most important.

    Good luck! I look forward to reading more in the future.

  3. Hi folks!

    I found out about your site on Twitter and thought I’d stop by. I hope you get a good number of folks from around the world visiting your site for your project. Troy and I write a blog for middle school teachers at http://www.middleschoolmatters.com and invite you to visit our blog also.

    -Shawn and Troy, Middle School Matters

    • I did visit your blog and because of it have begun to follow Mr. Westbrook on twitter. Thanks for the comment. Please visit us again because we are really growing.

  4. Good luck, C-O bloggers! I know you are going to have a great time blogging with Mrs. Cranford and Mrs. Odom. Work your hardest and show us all what you can do. I look forward to reading your work.

  5. I don’t have a pet but i have a pet at philiphines, a whole room full of pets! So it’s hard for me to take care of them and if my pets could talk they would say i love u! thanks ps. do you like pets? great blog site!

  6. I have a 14 week old puppy named Bentley and a cat named Spaz. If they could talk Spaz would say “I don’t know why u play with that idiot Bentley” and Bentley would say “I NEED SOMETHING TO CHEW!”

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