Basic skills are so important. Here are three sites that will help students practice those skills just in time for the beginning of the school year.
This is a great opportunity for students to choose their grade level and progress through an online math assessment. Assessments are available for grades 1 – 12. Work through these questions with your parents. Just click on the A+ Click link below and make your selections.
While reading my RSS feeds this weekend, I came across these excellent pages. Students and parents may use these page links to review Math skills and Practice reading skills. The story pages address Beginning Readers and the Classics. Thank you, Johnnie.
Each month, Mrs. Odom updates to the current calendar month and provides links to fun activities for the month. We encourage you to go to the page tab at the top of our blog and have your own students visit these sites. If you would like further practice with your students on questions concerning calendar skills, please click and print out the pdf questions. This is a wonderful way to review the difference between “day” and “date”, concepts of day, week, and month, and provide practice locating information on a calendar. Often we assume that students have a mastery knowledge of these basic skills when in fact, they do not. This repetitive review will reinforce learning needed for more difficult math concepts.
Spring break has ended and we all head back to school on Monday. Sorry, but that just had to be said. During these last few days, I have been searching for sites that might be helpful for those last minute brush-ups on Math Skills at the intermediate levels – 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Students and parents are encouraged to visit the links below.
The TAKS Math tests are quickly approaching and the intermediate grade levels are honing their math skills. If you are wondering what you can do to help your child at home, you might want to visit these sites to view some of the tasks our students will be expected to perform. We will continue to work at school and appreciate all that you can do at home as well. No child can be fully educated without teamwork between school and home. Communication, cooperation, and collaboration are key ingredients.
I hope that these sites help. Click on the grade level below:
What wonderful timing! We were asked to link to websites or videos to THE animal we would prefer to see in the wild rather than in a zoo. Our class had made a list researched on Facts4Me, but we were having a really hard time narrowing the selection down to the one we would choose above the rest.
Meanwhile, just outside our classroom, the third graders in Mrs. Blankenship’s room were in the middle of a measurement lesson which combined both Science and Math. We watched the development of this project with great anticipation and curiosity. These students first measured the average length of the blue whale (Thanks to Mr. Webb and Room 8 Melville for this awesome link) and hung crepe paper from the ceiling tiles to equal that length. They then predicted whether or not the combined height of the total students in the classroom would equal the length of the whale’s body. Lying along a tape measure, each student’s data was recorded and tagged with the name and total feet/inches. It was proven that the total height of students was sufficient to equal the length of a blue whale. Students were then asked to lie on the floor along the tape measure, head to foot, to give them a true understanding of the magnitude of this great mammal.
This made such an impact on my students that without hesitation they have choosen as the animal they would love to see in the wild would be the blue whale.
Thank you for this Blog Challenge.
We have Blog Visitors from all over the world, and we would like to know….Are there whales where you live? If so, have you ever had the privilege of seeing one in the wild? We would love to know!