Where shall we go today?


How excited it is each day when we sign onto our classroom blog and see that another country or another state has visited our blog! We have hung a giant world map in the entryway of our school so that all can share in our excitement. You see, we are the first class on our campus to attempt blogging, but we don’t think it will remain that way for long.  The red dots represent the people who are responsible for our enthusiasm.  For that we thank each and every one of you.

Now, where shall we go today? If YOU are reading this, we ask you, “If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go and why?

53 thoughts on “Where shall we go today?

  1. Hi Guys,
    We agree, it is very exciting to see all of the places that your visitors come from. Our class is getting very good at recognising flags because they love looking at the Live Traffic Feed.
    Can’t wait to see what you get up to this week. We are going to celebrate 100 days of school with some friends in Canada. You can join us if you like! Would you like to come over and play some maths games with us?

  2. This is such an awesome and exciting project! I will forward your blog to all of my military friends overseas so you can get some really great locations on your map!

    To answer your questions, if I could go anywhere…I’d go to Ireland. I’m Irish and would love the chance to visit the home of my grandparents and learn more about my heritage!

    Great blog!

  3. I would visit Egypt. I have always wanted to visit the pyramids and the Valley of the Kings to see and touch a piece of ancient history…

    • My teacher’s aide went to Egypt last year and had a blast. She came back with pictures of the pyramids and even of her on the back of a camel.

  4. If I could go anywhere in the world. I believe that it would be Australia. I would love to go to the outback.

  5. I would like to go to Mauna Loa and have a tour up the volcano. It just sounds so peaceful, walking up a volcano that’s probably hundreds of years old…

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