Our First Attempt at Blogging

We are so excited to begin blogging. Blogging is going to improve our students’ abilities to write with correct spelling, usage, and punctuation, to convey their thoughts on varied subjects and places that they will visit virtually, and to react appropriately to YOUR feedbacks. Our blog, C-O Connections, is named for Mrs. Pam Cranford and Mrs. Laura Odom. Please check back here often and be sure to visit our class web site at www.tinyurl.com/pcranford

9 thoughts on “Our First Attempt at Blogging

  1. I teach science to regular education and special education students in Utah. I’m glad you are started on this blog. Keep doing your best and you will go far.

  2. This looks like a great start! I teach Australian teachers about the fab things they can do with blogs and their classes .. I’m looking forward to your efforts.

  3. Hello, I am a SPED teacher who is deployed to Afghanistan. I am in the Air National Guard (AF) out of California. If I can contribute anything concerning Afghanistan, let me know. Good luck with your site.

  4. Wow, I’m very impressed with your blog so far, the design is very colourful and appealing. You have also written some great posts which will give my students a good starting point for writing comments on blogs. Please take a look at my class blogs and leave a comment also.

  5. Hello!
    Its really exciting to blog – we hope you have lots of fun. We will enjoy seeing what you get up to at your school.
    Lets keep in touch!

    Allstars in Australia

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